Saturday, August 31, 2024

Logarska Dolina ~ Slovenia Day 4

After waking quite early the last couple of days, we decided that today we would not set the alarm - it was wonderful! We woke at 7am, spent a relaxing couple of hours on the deck drinking tea/coffee,  heading out around 9:30am to Logarska Dolina (The Logar Valley), about a 1 1/2  hour drive from Lake Bled.  (While it was only 87 km - 54 miles -  in driving distance, the roads were narrow and with TONS of switchbacks.) We had tons of amazing views along  the way (that could not be capture in photos - think of The Grand Canyon)......

...driving through Austria ~ where the guy on watch was on his phone and just waived us through.....


...back to Slovenia ~ no one was even at their border patrol.......

We paid 7€ to enter The Logar Valley....

We grabbed some lunch, then headed to the end of the valley to take the short hike to the Rinka Waterfall......

...where one could grab a cup of coffee....

Hi Brad! 😀
We drove out of the valley, enjoying the views along the way....

Back through Austria (two patrol officers stood and watched us drive by)......

.....and into Slovenia.

Pretty much, if there was a boarder patrol person present, they looked at our license plate - Croatia - and waved us through.  Bummer - missed out on yet another passport stamp. 😉

So a mellow day, which was quite enjoyable. 

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