Saturday, August 24, 2024

Travel day to Plitvice Lakes National Park ~ Croatia Day 6

We left Split around 10am and drove to our next Airbnb, located just a 10 minute walk from the Plitvice Lakes National Park entrance. We enjoyed meandering the countryside of Croatia, and stopped for a coffee around 10:30am. Here's the thing - it was a Friday. A work day. Mid-morning. Just like when we stopped for coffee on Monday around the same time, the place was filled with working-age men. Why aren't they at work? Where are the women having coffee? 

We enjoyed our coffee and continued our journey through lots of hay farms and towns.

We drove through lots of different terrains as well.

Wind turbines! 

We stopped for a great lunch alongside the road and at around 3pm, arrived at our Airbnb for the evening - super charming - more of a German/Swiss feeling...

View out our window.

We walked to the entrance of the park to check it out, organized our stuff for an early hike the following day, and enjoyed a great dinner just down the road.


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