Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Suzanne has a new adventure!

Suzanne has started working with The Heritage Institute, provider of independent study/distance education courses for teachers who want to further their skills and earn college credit (through Antioch University, Seattle, Washington) as well. She is currently offering two classes:

Winning Ways: Strategies for a Safe & Healthy Classroom

Examine how the world of our students has changed from when we were in school – their world is a different place and they are more independent. You will learn about the four basic needs of students:

*inclusion - the need to feel part of a group
*control – the need to be able to make decisions
*affection – the need to know that people like are care about them
*competency – the need to be seen as capable.

You will learn how to meet the needs of your students in a way that is comfortable and enjoyable for you - their teacher.

Love & Logic in Teaching

Focus on practical solutions for the day-to-day frustrations and challenges common in today’s classroom. Love and Logic is a highly regarded approach that will:

*Teach students to think for themselves.
*Raise your student's level of understanding.
*Prepare students to function in a society filled with temptation, decisions and consequences.
*Put the teacher in control.

Ultimately, the result is a more cohesive classroom – one in which students enjoy learning, where the need for discipline is reduced, and where more teaching can occur everyday.

Each class is 3 quarter/2 semester hours credit, costs $285, can be completed in a collaborative environment with other teachers (only one set of assignments need to be turned in), and teachers can take up to a year to complete the work.

Contact The Heritage Institute at or call 1-800-445-1305 or 1-360-341-3020 to register.

**Feel free to forward this information to any teacher you know. The sooner we get some income streams, the sooner we can hit the road again! ;-)