Monday, August 26, 2024

A Day in Rovinj ~ Croatia Day 8

Today is our last full day in Croatia, and we enjoyed wandering around the town of Rovinj, on the Istrian peninsula.  It is a beautiful town - with (literally) much more color than Split and Dubrovnik - as well as more of an Italian feel, as it is very close to Italy. 

As we like to do, we wandered around the town enjoying the architecture and views....first Old Town

Through Balbi's Arch (built in 1679)......

Up to St. Euphemia Church - as it was a Sunday morning, a service was being held....

To the waterfront and harbor....

Once again - it was too damn hot.  As we had wandered around, we saw a rocky beach with some chairs and an open area for swimming, so after a great brunch at the waterfront (yogurt, granola, fruit)  it was back to our Airbnb to grab our swimsuits - we never thought we would swim so much on this vacation, however we had no idea it would be this hot! 🌞

So here's the thing - we texted our Airbnb host to see if she had beach towels we could use. Nope. Huh. Okay then. So while people paid 80€ - 120€ for a lounge chair, umbrella, and towel....

.....we grabbed our hiking pants - used them as both our towels and seats (to the right of Brad, folded) - and sat on the rocks in the shade. 😀 (That "beach bag?" That's a pliable cooler we use to bring cold food from one place to another - have used that for swimming three times now!)

The Adriatic was once again cool and welcoming - and Brad liked this "swimming" over Dubrovnik and Split as one walked into the sea - so his feet were firmly on land and he didn't have to dog paddle. 😉 

It was back to our Airbnb for a light charcuterie dinner with the bottle of Croatian wine we purchased on the Peljesac Peninsula and some organizing for the next leg of our trip.....Slovenia! 

And that was......

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