Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hike to Slemenova Spica ~ Slovenia Day 2

What a wonderful hike! 😀

We were up at 5:30am (Suzanne wanted a 5am alarm; Brad 6am. As they say, marriage is a compromise.....😉) and out the door around 7:30 so we could drive to the Vrsic Pass (the highest pass in Slovenia) for a hike to Slemenova Spica in Triglavski Narondi Park. (Triglavski National Park is pretty much the Julian Alps.)

The road to the pass was quite windy, and we had to drive past a few cows in the road.....

....but we found parking and away we went, starting at 8:50am.  

The hike was rather steep in most places, with lots of scree fields, but also (occasionally) some open fields/meadows.  Nearly every time we would come around a corner - there was another amazing view....

We arrived to Slemenova Spica at 10:30......

After a "brunch" of B&J, we headed back to our car.....

While we were (once again) eating and taking off our hiking boots, a group of sheep walked by and decided to use our rental car as a scratching post.

We drove a bit more and then headed back to Lake Bled - first stopping for coffee and a kremsnite in Kranjska Gora. We showered, relaxed, enjoyed a dinner of local pizza, and started planning our next hike. 

This was truly one of our most phenomenal hikes in Europe - a lot of amazing views for a shorter hike (5.5km; 393 meter elevation gain; 3 hours, 20 minutes). 

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