Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hello from Slovenia!!

We had a pretty early start this morning - think we were in the road about 8am, or thereabouts. Prior to leaving Croatia, we had to purchase an e-vinjeta - it's a toll payment system used throughout Slovenia on most of the roads. We purchased it online (32€ for the month; we will be here for eight days, so could not get by with the 16€ weekly pass.) We aren't sure how one pays tolls without the e-vinjeta, as there were no tollbooths to stop, but we figure probably the toll bills are sent to ones home. 

We were pretty excited to cross another boarder - and add to our passport stamp collection. Imagine our surprise - and disappointment - when the boarder control person barely looked up and pretty much used two figures to wave us by - not even a full hand wave. In fact, we didn't even stop the car. No Slovenia passport stamp - bummer. 

Our destination was Lake Bled, and along the way we stopped at the Skocjab Caves to see if there was any availability on a tour, even though the website said that they were sold out.  Nope, no cancellations. Bummer Or at least we thought it was a bummer until we saw the group heading out to the cave - at least 100 people. No way. 

Instead we headed about 10km down the road to the Lipica Stud Farm - which has been in existence for 444 years breeding LIpizzan horses. We took a tour with three other people - five of us in all (so much better than 100 people!) - and it was very interesting. Want to learn more about the horses? Check out the link

Want to see photos?

We enjoyed a nice lunch and continued onto Lake Bled where we are staying for a week - it'll be nice to unpack for a while.  Our Airbnb is lovely....

Yup - two bedrooms! 🙃

Castle Bled is our view on one side. 

Finally, it looks like the weather will be a bit cooler - yay!

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