Friday, August 23, 2024

A Day in Split ~ Croatia Day 5

People often ask us if we have our travels planned prior to going - the answer: somewhat. We know where we are going, and for this trip, where we are staying and for how long (as we planned out all accommodations months ago), but what we do each day - not so much. We knew that when in Dubrovnik, we wanted to see the Old Town and Walls, as well as drive to The Bay of Kotor in Montenegro, but specifics and anything else were/are up-in-the-air. 

As far as Split, we had no idea what we would do here, and we ended up with one full day as our drive here took longer than intended. We decided to meander Split and see the town, so off we went. 

Split has a large harbor - lots of yachts, massive cruise chips, and small boats were moored. We walked along the waterfront...

...working our way towards The Riva - a promenade with palm trees and restaurants. 

We eventually found ourselves at the Green Market where locals sold produce, olive oils, and wares.

Of course Split has an Old Town as well ~ maybe not as charming as Dubrovnik's, but in some ways more maze-like and still with some very narrow alleyways, cool architecture and buildings.

Olive tree!

We eventually worked our way (actually, in the opposite direction past our Airbnb) to "the other" side of town and found a spot with lots of people swimming in the Adriatic - awesome! It was another hot day (didn't we travel to get away from the Florida heat??) so we went back to the Airbnb, grabbed our swimsuits, and off we went!

It was an interesting area - on rocks, with a shaded (yay!) to sit/stretch and a sunny area (ditto) - all free. There was even a (very cold) fresh water shower and changing area.

There was also an area where one could rent tables, comfy chairs, etc.....

All leading to the same place.....the cool Adriatic Sea! 😀

We swim (well, Suzanne swam, Brad flopped around trying not to drown 😉) and cooled-off...ahhh! We hung out in the free shady area, swam/tried-not-to-drown again, and walked back to our Airbnb - a great (again, unexpected) afternoon!

Hi Suzanne! ✋

After showers, we grabbed a good dinner in town (Finally! The food hasn't been great - not something Croatia is known for.....) and called it a day.

View from our Airbnb 

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