Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Hiking Alpe di Seceda ~ Italy Day 6

We did not set the alarm today as it started raining yesterday, rained through the night, and was supposed to rain all morning (which it did), so as we weren't going on an early hike today, there was no reason to get up early. Oh, except for one thing......this is a bed & breakfast, so it was time to eat again! 😀 The B&B did not disappoint......

After breakfast and a slow start to the day, we wandered around town a bit. Eventually the rain stopped and we decided to take a quick drive to Alpe di Seceda and take the cable car (actually two) to the top and see the views - not an inexpensive venture at 45€ per person, plus parking.

Cable Car #1....

Cable car #2.....

There were amazing views (no surprise there) when we got to the top, and we walked around a bit, maybe 1 - 1 1/2 miles.

We headed back to the B&B, enjoyed cappuccino on the front porch watching a couple police officers run radar, then finally showered and got ready for dinner. Again, we decided to have dinner in the B&B as they menu looked great and we really enjoy the food. 

Again, it started with the buffet salad bar....

Then creamed zucchini soup with croutons....
Then spinach ravioli....
Finally dessert ~ a carrot torte with pistachio gelato. 😋
We only ordered the four course meal (for 30€) as the main course was veal and we don't eat veal.  We were still quite full from what we ate, so it all worked out. 😃

Our room at the B&B. 

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