Thursday, August 4, 2022

Newfoundland, Canada ~ Day 14 & Prince Edward Island ~ Day 1!


Today was the day we had to say good-bye to Newfoundland. When we were planning this part of our trip back in December, we had to make a decision - either take a 17 hour ferry from Argentia (1 1/2 hour drive from St. John's) - or - drive 10 hours back to Port aux Basque and then take a 7-hour ferry. We opted for the latter. So today we woke-up and got moving - we were on the road by about 7:30am.  

It was strange - it was like we were going back in time - we went by all the places - or at least the turn-offs - that we have been. Oh look, that's the road to our B&B near Terra Nova National Park. Oh, now we are in the national park - and there is the road for the hikes we did!  Then we were in Gander again, then the road to Gros Morne. Before we knew it, we were back at some of the exact same gas stations and food store that we patronized on our way to our many destinations. (Unfortunately, we did not get two weeks younger!)

 (She looks the same, but it is actually a different ferry than the one we took to Newfoundland.)

Overall, our experience with the ferry was different this time -  we are veterans of the system 😉 and did not spend a ton of time wandering around the ferry. 


We got on.....


(This time we were told to park on Deck 5 - very different than our below. below, below Deck 1 of our first ferry experience.)

Went to our stateroom (that looked exactly like our previous one).......


...and went to sleep. Slept pretty well again too!

We didn't even bother to wake-up early enough to see the sunrise. We woke-up, got some coffee/tea, and by the time we were done with that, it was pretty much time to disembark!  We did watch the ferry a bit while drinking our coffee/tea - here is perspective of how fast the ferry was going. Oh, interestingly, just like airplane flights, we left Newfoundland late, but the captain made up time en route, as we arrived to Nova Scotia at the anticipated time. 


Oh, the car in front of us on the car deck a few pictures back - she gave us a jump (boost, in Canada) as for some reason our car battery died just before we were to start engines to board.  It was fascinating - as soon as we put up the hood - one woman rolled down her window and said to ask someone with a pick-up truck if they have booster cables. Suzanne went to a pick-up truck another row over and the driver did have cables and he and his friend (a mechanic) came over to help.  The small car in front of us moved out of the way, a car one lane over (the one in the picture) with a bigger motor maneuvered herself so we could use her engine, and a guy two lanes over the other way in an RV started getting out his portable battery jump-starter until he realized that we were all set. The two pick-up guys and Brad jumped our car (Suzanne held the flashlight) and then it was done. Amazing! Everyone was super friendly and helpful and it took, maybe, three minutes.

The next morning our car started right away and we were off.....

....and in the same vein of going back in time, has breakfast at the same place where we stayed in Nova Scotia on our way to Newfoundland! 

It was about a 5-6 hour drive to our next destination ~ Prince Edward Island (PEI) over The Confederation Bridge - the longest bridge in the world over ice-covered waters (8 miles). 

 We are staying in a cute Airbnb in Charlottetown, PEI for a few days - it was built in the 1870's and is very piecemeal and has slanted floors all over the place. It definitely has a sense of charm. 

We are looking forward to a couple days exploring PEI!

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