Friday, July 23, 2021

Kanab, Utah

 We came to Kanab with three goals:

1. Hike The Wave

2. Spend time at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

3. Hike Buckskin Gulch

Well, most weren't meant to be........

1. We did not get picked for the lottery for The Wave.  Granted, we still had a good time.  Two mornings we went to the lottery and entered the drawing. The way it works is that either four groups up to 16 people get picked. Literally, the BLM using a ball drop (like bingo) to select the numbers. We were #4 on the first day and #1 on the second day, but alas, it was not meant to be. But like we said, we still had a good time with the lottery experience - the guys working the lottery were fun and friendly, and the experience interesting. Maybe another time......

2. After going to The Wave Lottery on Day 1, we went to Best Friends Animal Society.  They do amazing work with all types of rescue animals and we were looking forward to enjoying the facility. However, tours are (still) limited due to COVID and tours were full when we went. We still got to play with some very friendly kittens and drove around the sanctuary, which is HUGE.  We forgot to take photos of the dog area, but it looks as if there are many houses (literally houses) that are build like hexagons (6-sided figures) and each dog has an inside home and a dog door to go to a large yard. 

3.  We couldn't hike Buckskin Gulch since they are having monsoons (who knew that we got monsoons in the United States?!) and buckskin gulch is a slot canyon, meaning that when there are flash floods, they fill with water, and that can be dangerous for hikers. In fact, The Narrows that we hiked in Zion a few days ago was closed that same afternoon due to flash flood warnings. So instead, on Day 2 after not winning a permit to The Wave, we went on a very short hike to The Toadstools.  Since we got a late start due to the permit gathering, it was quite hot.  Some pics:

Day 3 (today) was slated to do a slot canyon hike, and since we did not get a permit to The Wave and could not hike Buckskin Gulch, we decided to head up to Bryce Canyon. More on that in another post. 😏

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