Saturday, March 17, 2012

Workamping at Mesa Regal RV Resort – Week 7

In touch with his softer side?
We can’t believe that we’ve been here for seven weeks – only two more weeks of workamping to go!  Suzanne’s ASL classes are moving right along – lots of learning, laughs, and fun happening in every class!

Brad had an interesting week ~

Monday – Brad made lighted vases for a Bar Mitzvah, helped deliver canopy tents to another resort for St. Patrick Day celebrations over the weekend and went to Home Depot to create extra keys for the new truck (yep it took 3 men).

It pays to be tall
Suzanne says one women could do this


Moving costumes to the new shop

Wednesday ~ Brad and other Workampers spent part of their shift fixing up the new Costume Shop. The current single trailer Costume Shop is being expanded to two. Each shop will be dedicated to his or her costumes. The Costume Shop is where any resort resident can checkout a costume for a party or themed event. It seems to be very popular with the residents. Brad did some spackling (since he’s the tallest guy in the group) while other workampers hung mirrors, repaired hanging rods and organized the costumes. The whole team moved all the men's costumes to this new shop. 

Friday ~ was spent loading and unloading 60+ cases of bottle water onto one of the trucks in addition to loading tons of casino decorations in preparation of the big golf tournament over the weekend. 

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