Our last day in Iceland was rather mellow. We went to a bakery for breakfast and enjoyed one last view.....
.......... then went back to the Airbnb (finally remembered to get a photo - our apartment was on the bottom floor)....
...packed and eventually made our way to the airport.
Some final thoughts about our winter trip to Iceland:
- Our goal was to see the Northern Lights and we did ~ success! 😃
- The weather was very cold and windy at the start - low 30's - then "warmed" by the time we left, mid-40's, but rainy.
- That being said, it was sort of fun to have it so cold and blustery. It also was not as cold as either of us experienced growing up in New England (Suzanne) and the Midwest (Brad). Iceland temperatures rarely get below freezing, though it is often extremely windy.
- The exterior of the buildings all had an industrial look - and there were no small shrubs around the foundations.
- It is expensive there! Fuel was about $10/gallon. 😮
- We were not impressed with Iceland Air - the service, entertainment (movies on board), and seat comfort. So much so, that we will not fly them again. (We even upgraded to the "more comfortable" seats - can't imagine if we hadn't.)
- The big question is always, "Would we go back?" No. We are glad we went, but have no desire to go back - winter or summer.